Fashion from Rubbish

Jul 12, 2008

Trash to fashion is not a new concept, but might be just a little out there for most. TreeHugger has touched on trash fashion before in the story on Trashin' Fashion and Trashion. Personally I love the inventiveness of anybody willing to turn old trash into wearable art which is what most of these creations are.

Summer is usually short dress

Summer is usually all about the short dress, which is all well and great for people with fantastic tanned legs, which is not me. I am the pale redhead with the pale legs who rarely sees the sun (my skin will thank me later!). In order to compensate for the heat I go with a long blowy dress, also called a maxi-dress, that will cover my legs, but leave me free to enjoy the breeze

Fashion Shows

Jul 10, 2008

A piece from the Narciso Rodriguez show

Fashion Week

fashion woman of day

Fashion party

Jul 8, 2008

Fashion party

The designs were awesome

Jul 6, 2008

Overall, all the designs were awesome. I definitely got the feeling the '80s was their decade of inspiration--from metallic leggings to bright scrunchies around the wrist to nylon jumpsuits and patent leather pants. The four styles above were my top picks for designers that look like they'll have a bright future.